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impeachment of biden

Impeachment Of Biden - President Joe Biden speaks at a DNC conference on election security and American democracy in Washington, DC on Wednesday, November 2, 2022. (Getty via Jim Lo Scalzo/Bloomberg)

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Impeachment Of Biden

Impeachment Of Biden

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Alabama Republicans Call For Biden's Resignation Or Impeachment

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On Wednesday, Joe Biden delivered his second major speech in two months, warning of the dangers posed by extremism to American democracy. As in his previous speech, Biden cited concrete examples of such extremism - from the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol to the demolition of Nancy Pelosi's house, which ended with the brutal attack of was delivered to her husband. Democracy, Biden said, is about voting in the middle ages. Explaining the implications of this issue, he said, "What we are doing now is determining whether democracy will last, and in my opinion, the biggest question of all: Is the American system that rewards people relying on justice? on the rule of law, the system will be effective.

Biden's claims are important, but the speech suffers from the same kind of incoherence and misunderstanding that makes the Democratic party's speech on democracy look like nonsense. Biden offered specifics about voter intimidation, political violence, and the dangers of election fraud at the high office. This is all important. But his speech lacked the sense that the GOP's reforms are a threat — not just at election time but to the entire government operations that affect everyone at all times.

A far-right message will insist that if the GOP can govern as the party of the minority and ignore the majority opinion, it will be able to implement radical policies that will harm the American people. the poor and make America a stateless country. A strong GOP could implement policies like killing Social Security and Medicare — ideas that many Republican leaders have long advocated but shied away from for fear of public anger. It can undermine not only elections, but also the day-to-day functioning of government, for example by using the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.

Biden: Possible Impeachment 'tragedy' Of Trump's Own Making

A strong closing message to Democrats in the final days before the midterms will underscore the real, devastating damage Republicans can do if they win the Senate. This is indicative of the party's history in recent years, of how, once in power, a GOP Congress will use all its investigative powers to pressure the White House, with and shut down the executive branch.

, journalist Barton Gelman made a solid argument that if the GOP were in control of the House of Representatives, he would impeach Joe Biden. That may seem like a far-fetched claim, especially since GOP Speaker Kevin McCarthy has avoided threatening to impeach him. But, as Gilman notes, Republican public opinion is ahead of what party leaders want to say.

"Already, there is a huge demand for impeachment," Gellman said. "A University of Massachusetts Amherst poll in May found that 68 percent of Republican voters think Congress should impeach Biden. A majority of them think they will." She impeached him. Ending that expectation will be difficult for any Republican. It's dangerous.

Impeachment Of Biden

Some may wonder what in the world could impeach Biden. The correct answer is that the majority in the parliament can impeach the president, and other officials in the executive branch, for anything. The phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors" is enough to include whatever the House wants - though it's unlikely to require a two-thirds majority in the Senate. This means that Biden could be impeached for whatever scandal Fox News decides to make noise about his son Hunter Biden's laptop. And Biden won't be the only Democrat who is vulnerable. Republicans are already talking about impeaching other officials such as Vice President Kamala Harris and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorca.

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Impeaching Biden would be an act of pure hatred and revenge. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas made that point in a video in December when he suggested that impeaching Biden — "whether it's fair or not" — is the logical response to Donald Trump's two impeachments. Cruz told the audience, “Democrats used the weapon to impeach him. They used it for partisan reasons to go after Trump for disagreeing with him. And this is one of the side effects of doing overdo it and turn it into a bad prejudice, you know, what's good for the forehead is good for the gander.

Trump himself will be something because he will like the idea that Republicans will be agents of revenge. He would ignore impeachment, creating a political base on the right that would force Republicans to toe the party line.

An example here is the impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998, which shows how easy it was for the GOP to impeach the president over something trivial. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is sometimes remembered, incorrectly, as a radical who tried to impeach him. The real story is more complicated, as historian Nicole Hammer points out in her new book

. Gingrich was a sorcerer's apprentice who came to power in 1994 by accepting the right-wing goblins. But once he became speaker of the House, Gingrich discovered that he was a prisoner of the forces he had liberated: the right was pressing him harder than ever to go ahead with everything from shutting down the government to impeaching him.

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Kevin McCarthy is the new Newt Gingrich: He could win next week with the new Congress poised to appoint him speaker. But McCarthy has not shown the ability to take down members of the right like Marjorie Taylor Green or Paul Gosser. They are the ones who, in alliance with Trump, have the power to expand the base. They will be in the driver's seat - and one of the first places they will visit is the mountain of impeachment.

This impeachment will be a circus of nonsense. It will also make governance difficult, especially if (as is likely) multiple attacks are made, including cabinet officials.

Politically, of course, a mock impeachment would not be happy and could help Biden win re-election. But Democrats don't have to wait until that happens for a political opportunity. They should be arguing right now that the GOP convention will be a stupid plan that will please the right party but do nothing to help the poor. Even more: This critical GOP administration can eliminate any real economic threat, from the risk posed by the debt crisis to cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

Impeachment Of Biden

The argument for defeating democracy cannot be made in discourse. It has to be related to actual harm that people can imagine harming them in their daily lives. It's a closed message that will be fun again.

Biden Manifesta Preocupação Com Efeitos De Impeachment Sobre Início Do Governo

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